14th International Conference „Mycotoxins and moulds”

Registration fees

  • Regular fee (Conference papers, lunches, coffee breaks and dinner): 250 EUR / 800 PLN
  • Student, PhD students (Conference papers, lunches, coffee breaks and dinner): 100 EUR* / 400 PLN*

* To receive the right to reduced registration fee valid Student Card is required. Please submit a copy by e-mail: mycotoxin@ukw.edu.pl.



Based on the data provided on the application form, an invoice will be issued, which must be paid within 14 days from the date of issue.

When filling out the application form in the field "Invoice details", please provide your exact address and Tax Identification Number, which will be included in the invoice.



Na podstawie danych podanych na karcie zgłoszenia zostanie wystawiona faktura, którą należy opłacić w terminie do 14 dni od daty wystawienia.

Uwaga: Przy wypełnianiu karty zgłoszenia w polu „Dane do faktury” prosimy o podanie dokładnego adresu oraz numeru NIP, które zostaną zawarte na fakturze